HomeFootballHow Much Does a High school Football Coach Make?

How Much Does a High school Football Coach Make?

It is a satisfying profession to work in the high school football coaching industry. The coaches of the National Football League (NFL) are some of the best-paid coaches in the world. In 2011, Forbes published an article about the highest-paid athletes, and the NFL coaches were at the top of the list.

In addition to the chance to have a big influence on the lives of young people and the people around you, you will also get a wage that is commensurate with the value of your contributions. will assist you in finding answers to each and every aspect of the question. How much does a high school football coach make?

How Much Does a High school Football Coach Make?

How much does a high school football coach make?

The average yearly salary for high school football coaches in the United States is $42,675 as of September 11, 2022. You can determine this by using some basic arithmetic, but it comes out to $3,556 per month, $820 per week, and $20.52 per hour.

In the United States, high school football coaches may earn anywhere from $26,500 to $50,500 per year for their services. Some of the highest earners might even reach the $67,000 level annually. As you can see, the typical compensation for these coaches may vary significantly, which indicates that you will have the ability to develop your career and enhance your salary depending on your talents, years of experience, credentials, and so on.

What Do High School Football Coaches Do?

The majority of the time, it falls on the shoulders of the high school football coaches to guide and mentor the players on their squad. In most cases, it falls on the shoulders of the high school football coach to guide and instruct his or her squad throughout the season. A strong educational background in either sports science or sports studies is often required for this role, or alternatively, some experience playing professional football is preferred.

In order to be successful as a teacher of football, the coach has to have strong communication skills and the ability to work with teenagers. In addition to this, he is responsible for coming up with ideas and tactics for his team, organizing his players according to the abilities they bring to the table, and motivating his squad to perform well. If a football coach has even a fundamental understanding of first aid and how to handle minor injuries, they will be in a better position to assist his players.

What Skills Does a High School Football Coach Need?

How Much Does a High school Football Coach Make?

Communication Skills

It is crucial to create effective communication between you and your team if you are considering taking on the role of a coach. For example, you need to be able to constructively criticize others and encourage those who disagree with you. It allows for a healthy partnership and instills confidence in the athletes, allowing them to speak their minds freely.


When coaching high school football, it is imperative that you pay attention to every detail and be aware of the areas in which there is room for development. For example, you should be aware of which individuals on your team need more attention and which techniques you need to use in order to improve your team’s overall performance.


There will be games when your football squad just cannot play up to your standards. You should keep pushing them to achieve their goals as outstanding coaches. It is crucial to have the bravery and patience necessary to tackle challenges along with your team.

Time Management

Any person who coaches at the high school level has to be able to efficiently manage their time. You have to find a way to maintain a healthy balance between the time you spend with the team and the time you spend on yourself and your family.


If you don’t have a strong interest in anything, it will show in your performance, and the same is true for football. Your enthusiasm for this activity will push you to put in more effort and persevere in the face of adversity.


A football coach at the high school level works with players that bring a variety of abilities, capabilities, and strategies to the game of football. Therefore, you need to cultivate patience and instruct your players on how to make the most of their capabilities.

Active Listening

There will be instances when your players have suggestions or contributions to make to the development of your plans. Therefore, you will need to be able to pay attention to what they have to say and give it some thought.

Leadership Skills

The responsibility of creating authority within their teams, creating standards, and the encouragement of their pupils falls on the shoulders of high school coaches.

What are some related alternative careers?

Here is a list of five careers that are comparable to roles held by high school soccer coaches that pay more than the average wage of a high school soccer coach. Therefore, working in a field that is connected to high school football coaching might potentially offer you a more lucrative wage.

Job TitleHourly WageWeekly PayMonthly PayAnnual Salary
High School Debate Coach$36.56$1,462$6,336$76,035
Football Data Analytics$46.11$1,844$7,992  $95,908
Travel Coach$42.47$1,698$7,361$88,341
Running Coach$42.78$1,711$7,414$88,979
Football Data Science$50.40$2,015$8,735$104,831

What Are the Highest Paying Cities for High School Football Coaching?

How much does a high school football coach make?

Here is a list of ten cities in the United States where the average income for a job coaching high school football is higher than the national average. In light of this, one has a very good chance of securing employment and advancing one’s career in these locations.

CityHourly WageWeekly Pay       Monthly Pay     Annual Salary
Potomac Heights, MD$23.17  $926      $4,016  $48,195
Cambridge, MA               $23.14  $925      $4,011  $48,133
Hooper Bay, AK               $23.69  $947      $4,105  $49,268
Skyline-Ganipa, NM       $23.21  $928      $4,022  $48,274
Dimondale, MI $24.00  $959      $4,159  $49,918
Manhattan, NY$23.84  $953      $4,131  $49,579
Barnstable Town, MA        $24.94  $997      $4,322  $51,865
Inverness, CA   $24.70  $987      $4,280  $51,370
Atkinson, NE     $26.47  $1,058  $4,588  $55,060
Frankston, TX   $25.63  $1,025  $4,443  $53,319


What experience do you need to be a football coach?

Credentials in football coaching are necessary to be held by football coaches, and these qualifications must be recognized by The Football Association (FA). This begins at level 1 and progresses through degrees of semi-professional and professional expertise. You can also consider earning a degree in sports, such as in sports science.

How to Become One High School Football Coach?

Dedication, perseverance, and a lot of hard work are all requirements to become a high school football coach.
Obtain at least a bachelor’s degree
Develop your expertise
Learn as much as you can about medicine
Obtaining Experience
Obtaining Experience
Earn a certification
Make a judicious selection of your assistance.

What Are the Job Responsibilities?

You may teach high school football principles as a coach. Knowing the players’ limitations and strengths and preparing for the competition are examples.
Several coaches may oversee the other coaches’ work performance, motivation, coordination, training, and leadership. Many football coaches are also teachers.

Do you have to be fit to be a football coach?

It is reasonable to anticipate that coaches will take part in the same warm-up and exercise sessions as the players, thus it is important that they have a respectable degree of physical conditioning. Not only will have the capacity to keep up with your players and help you earn their respect, but it will also guarantee that your teaching sessions are productive. Having this talent is a huge asset for any coach.

What are the best coaching techniques in football?

Here are our top seven recommendations for football training methods that you should consider using to enhance your skills.
Dribbling Drills: Drills involving dribbling the ball are an excellent method to get warmed up before the game.
Exercises in Shooting
Exercises in Crossing Over
Turning Drills
Tackling Drills
Drills for Heading
Passing Drills

How much does a high school football coach make?

Pay Scales for High School and Middle School Football Coaches!
High school football coaches in the United States may earn anything from $10,027 to $203,999 per year, with $28,968 serving as the typical compensation in this field. The highest-paid 86% of high school football coaches earn $203,999 per year, while the bottom 57% make between $28,968 and $87,280 annually.

Final Thoughts!

Finally, we get the complete answer to the question how much does a high school football coach make? The position of a high school football coach is often seen as a desirable one that offers compensation that is greater than the norm. It might vary quite a bit based on a number of criteria, including the certifications you have, the number of years of experience you have, and your talents. What you receive in return for your perseverance, devotion, and hard work in this role makes it well worth the effort.

Abu Bakar
Abu Bakar
Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.


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