HomeSoccerHow to Curve a Soccer Ball? A Complete Guide in 3 Steps

How to Curve a Soccer Ball? A Complete Guide in 3 Steps

Kicking the spin ball is one of the most elegant and captivating soccer moves. You’ll think the players are doing miracles with their feet when you see them on the field. But have you ever been curious about the technique behind such kicks?

 Sportda, learn the technique How to Curve a Soccer Ball? By reading this article you will get to know How to curve a soccer ball like Messi in soccer as well.

It is known that Messi is competing with Manchester United FC in a tight match that currently stands at 1-1. Leonel Messi, who played for Arsenal and was known for his footwork there, is reportedly the best player in the world when it comes to football talents.

Nevertheless, Messi is an unrivaled talent who now holds the number one spot on the record of most assists in football as well as the number one spot on the list of most goals in a season. In addition to the fact that he has secured this spot on the list, he is renowned all over the world for his dribbling abilities and his mastery of ball control.

How to curve a soccer ball like Messi

Start getting stronger to give a strong kick. Keep both arms out in front of you to keep your balance. As you’re about to kick the ball, point the foot you’re not kicking in the direction you want the ball to turn. Lean into the kick and use only your feet to hit the ball.

How to Curve a Soccer Ball?

Players will require a significant amount of time to practice their abilities before they can master this difficult method. How do you curve a soccer ball? You will, in short, have to go through three different levels. You should strive to become an expert in each move in the game one at a time until you can play it effortlessly and without any issues.

When you utilize your kick to give the soccer ball a spin and control the direction of your hit by making it curve in the air, you are said to be curving the ball. Being able to throw the ball to a teammate, get past the goalkeeper, or change directions to get past the defense of your opponent are all crucial skills. Your game will improve after you learn to bend a soccer ball. You may fool both your opponents and the goalie by using the bend.

Soccer ball bending is a sophisticated technique, and mastering it will give your shooting ability an element of intricacy and surprise.

The ball has to be rotated as the initial step in the process. You will need to practice giving your feet the appropriate spin in order to control the curvature of flight that is characteristic of soccer balls.

1-Corners or Free Kicks (Inside of Your Foot):

In each of these instances, it is quite clear that the ball is not moving.

This makes it much simpler to hit the ball since you have more time to get into the ideal position before beginning your run-up, and you can also take your time positioning yourself properly.

It makes no difference whether you are passing the ball to a teammate from a corner kick or setting them up from a free kick; the kicking technique you use is the same as when you are shooting the ball toward the goal.

Position Yourself for the LineUp

The initial step you need to do is to get close to the ball while maintaining a 90-degree angle. Positioning yourself 12 to 15 inches away from the ball would be ideal for doing a vacuum kick.

If you want your kick to go in a straight line, you need to position your feet so that they aim toward the middle of the ball. In this particular scenario, you will need to place your toes such that they are slightly angled out of the center.

You are going to approach the ball from the other side of where your dominant foot often goes. Therefore, a player who strikes the ball with their left foot will approach it from the right, and vice versa.

Before you kick the ball, you should position yourself between 7 and 10 feet away from it. You will be able to cover this distance in three strides if you keep going at this pace.

Get in Position to Kick the Ball

Put your emphasis on kicking the ball beneath and to the side of it. The ball will be able to fly and curve in the opposite direction with the aid of the counterclockwise rotation.

One useful piece of advice is to maintain a consistent practice of your kicking position. When attempting a curving kick or a cross, you absolutely must kick the ball with the soles of your feet.

When kicking the ball, follow the J form with your feet and rotate them as you do so. The more you train, the more skilled and elegant your motions will become. Practice makes perfect.

Spinning the Ball

When you make contact with the ball, you should strike it with the part of your foot that is immediately after your big toe.

If you strike the ball too close to your heel or toes while taking a shot or crossing the ball, you won’t be able to control it as well on your shot or cross. This is something you’ll learn with time and experience.

“Which area of the ball should you try to aim for when you hit it?”

If you want to curve the ball to the left, kick the soccer ball with your right foot and aim for the bottom right corner of the ball. This will allow you to make a leftward curve with the ball.

To create a right-handed curve in the ball, hit it with your left foot on the bottom left side of the ball.

To get a greater sense of height, it is necessary to strike the ball lower to the ground.

If, however, you kick the ball too low, it will soar over the top of the goal or over the heads of your teammates who are waiting in the box for the ball.

When playing at a higher skill level, if you want the ball to go over the wall before dipping back down, lean slightly forward as you hit the ball from beneath. This will cause the ball to go over the wall before dipping back down.

Body Alignment

Your standing foot should be firmly placed next to the ball as you go to hit the ball, and your body should be leaning slightly to the side you want the ball to finish up on as you do so.

For instance, if you want the ball to curve to the left and you are kicking the ball with your right foot, you should tilt your body to the left as you kick the ball so that the ball curves to the left.

During the kick, your arms should automatically elevate to your sides to provide you with more stability and force. This will assist you maintain your balance.

Kick the Ball in a Different Position

You should experiment with kicking the ball with varying amounts of force to get a sense of the varied sensations. Your foot strength and kicking stance will have a significant impact on the amount of spin that is imparted on the ball.

It is recommended that you practice on a variety of levels in order to discover the combination that will provide the ball with the most amount of spin possible.

Kick the Ball in a Different Position
Kick the Ball in a Different Position

2-Free Kicks (Outside of Your Foot):

Roberto Carlos is responsible for popularizing the technique of kicking the ball from free kicks with the outside of the foot. Carlos’ physics-defying shots would curve around the wall with strength and precision, making the technique renowned.

Mastering this ability is far more difficult than learning to use the inside of your foot.

Due to the fact that no one utilizes this outside-of-the-foot approach for corners, we will limit our attention to using this technique just for situations involving free kicks.

Approaching the Ball

When you strike the ball with the inside of your foot, rather than setting up at an angle…

When you use the outside of your foot, you have to start your approach from immediately behind the ball with the goal in front of you. This is a requirement for using the outside of your foot.

You should aim somewhat off to the side of the goal because of the curve that you anticipate.

If you hit the ball cleanly and correctly enough, the ball will be able to curve back around because of this.

You can also want to lengthen the run-up to the jump. It takes a lot of strength to create a dangerous curve on the ball by using the outside of your foot to strike it.

Set Up Your Target and Stand Correctly

A lot of what determines how accurately you hit the ball depends on how well you plant your standing foot close to the ball, much as we did with the first curve we discussed.

However, if you want to utilize the outside of your boot this time, you should position your standing foot roughly one foot behind the ball and slightly to the side. This will allow you to use the outside of your boot.

The precision with which your kick turns out will indicate whether or not you have done it correctly.

If you position your foot too far away from the ball, you will have to extend in order to reach it, which will result in a loss of both power and accuracy in your shot.

In addition, if your foot is too near to the target, it will probably get in the way of the route your hitting foot takes.

Strike the Ball or spinning The Ball

Following the completion of your run-up and the placement of your standing foot, it is now time for you to hit the ball.

When you are running straight towards the ball, make contact with the outside of your foot while simultaneously aiming slightly outside of where you want the ball to go. This will cause the ball to curve.

The part of your foot that is just below your little toe is the best place to hit the ball while you are playing golf.

If you execute this move perfectly, the foot that you strike the ball with will go across your body, causing the ball to curve.

If you are kicking the ball with your right foot, you should try to make contact with it on the bottom left side of the ball or even in the middle of it.

Keep Going

After making contact with the ball, you should allow your striking leg to naturally continue through in order to generate as much curve as possible.

If you are utilizing your right foot and have successfully connected with the outside of it, your leg should travel to the left and lift up slightly in front of you. This indicates that you are doing the splits correctly.

During this time, your left arm will naturally fall down, which will provide you with an increase in power.

3-How to Curve a Soccer Ball While Moving:

It is considerably more difficult to perfect your delivery or shooting method when the target you are firing at is moving, despite the fact that curving a ball that is stationary is already a difficult enough talent to master.

However, the rewards that you will get from playing the game more effectively make practicing worthwhile.

The following are some factors that should be kept in mind:

Evaluate your surroundings

The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you are aware of everything that is happening around you at this very now.

Do you have enough time to try to cross the ball or take a shot?

If that’s the case, is there room for us to accomplish it?

If not, are you able to move just a little bit to give yourself a tiny bit of more room so that you can make it happen?

When faced with the prospect of losing possession of the ball in a potentially fruitful area of the field, it is sometimes preferable to stick to the basics rather than take the chance.

It is just as crucial to be able to execute the technique as it is to have the decision-making abilities necessary to identify when the appropriate moment is to try to curve the ball.

Decide Your Goal

In the event that an opportunity presents itself to throw in a cross, you should rapidly glance up and try to anticipate where your teammate is and where they will be, whether they will make a run to the near or far post, and how much force and curve you need to put into hitting the ball.

In the heat of the game, it may seem like a lot to keep in mind, but doing so will go a long way toward guaranteeing that your kick will result in a chance to score a goal.

After you have determined where to position it, you should stop paying attention to the ball and instead concentrate on striking the target.

The next step is to hit the ball while it’s in motion.

Striking the Ball While Running

If you are now jogging down the sideline with the ball in front of you or if you have just dribbled past the full back of the other team…

You will often be forced into a position where the only available choice is to execute a cross while you are on the move.

If you want to increase the accuracy of your cross or shot on goal, it is preferable to slow down a little bit, if that is at all feasible, given the current circumstances.

First, move your standing foot so that it is slightly behind the ball. Then, wrap your other foot around the ball in such a manner that it causes the ball to curve away from the goalkeeper.

Strength or Accuracy

In the event that you get the chance to take a shot, you will need to determine whether you will try to hit the ball with as much force as you can muster or if you will instead try to take your time and play the ball so that it gets past the goalkeeper more deftly.

Accurately curving the ball may help you put it around the keeper, but if you don’t hit it hard enough, it might result in an embarrassing effort that ends up with the ball in the keeper’s arms.

Because it’s generally a split-second choice, players will often go for a mix of power and precision before crossing their fingers and hoping the ball goes in the back of the goal. This is because it’s usually a split-second decision.

Take a touch

When you’re trying to strike a moving ball, getting oneself in the right position to hit it is of the utmost importance. This is true whether you’re crossing the ball or taking a shot.

Before you try to hit the ball, you may want to take a touch of the ball first.

Before sprinting onto it, you will have the opportunity to position it at the ideal distance from you thanks to this.

When you snatch at a shot, it will most likely result in a bloated attempt that goes over the bar, and when you hit the ball with the outside of your foot without the appropriate run-up, it may go dangerously wide.

Helpful Advice

Kicking the ball is one of the most common moves in the sport of football, which features a wide variety of different styles. Consider putting these pointers into practice so you may quickly become an expert in this method.

Frequent Practice

Putting skills into practice is the essential first step in every endeavor. If you do not frequently practice the skills, you will never be able to become proficient at using them.

Besides, each person’s strength and posture are distinct. You need to keep experimenting with different postures and levels of kick until you discover the combination that works best for you.

When kicking the ball, adding spin to the kick may be accomplished by giving the foot a tiny flick or by pointing the toe upward.

Master the Fundamentals

Before you can kick the ball with any degree of ability, you must first master the proper kicking technique. The method of the curving kick may at first seem to be difficult, but if you follow it correctly, it will become much simpler.

The proper kicking technique will also guarantee that you do not get any injuries that are not absolutely essential. In addition to this, it assists you in maximizing the power and spin that the ball has.

Players will be able to shine brighter on the field if they use curved kicks at the appropriate times. A person who is able to manage the motions of the ball is considered to be a participant in the game. When taking a corner, you should make a ball that is tough to block, or you should create a curve that is big enough to break past your opponent’s defense. Each kick has its own specific use, which will be determined by the playing strategy.

If you are able to become proficient in the skills, you will add a great deal of value to the team.


How Do You Make A Soccer Ball Curve Right?

A curved ball is the result of exerting force on its opposite side. As a result, kicking the ball on the left side will send it in the desired direction (right).

Why does a soccer ball curve?

During impact, the kicker adds spin, which causes the ball to spin and curve. In football, free kicks, crosses, corners, and other sorts of shots or passes often result in the same outcome.

Who Is The King Of Football Skills?

Leo Messi is the undisputed monarch of football ability. Despite being competitive with Manchester United’s Cristiano Ronaldo, it is believed that Lionel Messi has a more impressive armament.


Discovering how to curve a soccer ball is an amazing ability to acquire because it provides you with more passing and shooting choices throughout a game, giving you more flexibility to achieve whatever it is you want to do.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to hammer a ball into the goal while you’re on the move, cross the ball in from a corner kick, or curve it with the outside of your foot when you take a free kick; the key is to keep your feet moving.

It is a talent that is honed by all of the great players. There is no way around the fact that in order to advance, one will need to put in a lot of effort and practice.

However, if you want to learn how to curve a soccer ball as the pros do, you should start practicing as soon as possible rather than putting it off till later.

Abu Bakar
Abu Bakar
Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.


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