HomeHow Do You Keep Yourself Fit And Healthy While On A Busy...

How Do You Keep Yourself Fit And Healthy While On A Busy Schedule?

Good health means being both mentally and physically fit. Good health helps us to work at our best potential. When we are sick and unable to do even the easiest chores of life, only then do we realize the importance of health.

However, prevention is better than cure. So smart people take care of their health from the start even when they are too busy with their work life.

Today busy professional life is so ordinary. But as said, “You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it.” This is as true as work-life balance involves a mixture of time management, commitment, and prioritization.

The best way is to manage your priorities by understanding their role in your life. Your professional life will be healthy when you are. Your health is very much important, or one should say it’s a necessity of life. Health is happiness. Health is wealth, health is you, and health is your family. There are certain things which I would like to recommend you personally.

17 Ways To Stay Healthy And Fit

Read the below simplest ways by which you can take care of your health while being busy at work:

  1. If you are always hurrying in the morning to reach your office, then look for simpler ways of having breakfast. You can pack your breakfast too, like lunch, and have it on your way to the office or after reaching office.
  2. Keep a box of cornflakes or muesli in your office drawer. Use your office coffee machine to get the milk or buy it. You need these two to have a healthy breakfast or snack at any point in time. When you feel hungry between meals, and look for healthy snacks, grab some nuts and fruits instead of unhealthy fast food. It will keep you healthy.
  3. After getting up in the morning, drink hot lemon water before brushing your teeth. It will hydrate you, provide you vitamin C, improve digestion, strengthen the brain, relieve stress, and give your immunity a boost. It’s a simple habit to maintain good health.
  4. Doing exercise even for ten minutes during your breaks would help. Your work-life won’t give you a complete hour to exercise, but still, you can take breaks between your working hours to do stretching or climbing stairs. It will keep you fit and active.
  5. Prioritize through your routine – make it a priority to invest for your health. Maintain a proper schedule for your exercise, breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.
  6. Eat healthier– take a small diet but healthy. Don’t take too much of processed food. And don’t maintain your habit of eating street foods or order online. That affects your health deeply.
  7. Water – take at least 15 – 20 glass of water daily or six water bottles. Try to drink water too much. It will help you to be hydrated. And of course, it creates an extra glow on your face, so it’s good you should go on with this. While working, you can keep a bottle filled with water with you. Make it a target to drink a certain amount of water in a day according to your body’s need to keep yourself hydrated. Drinking water will remove toxins from your body and will also keep you energized.
  8. Proper sleep – this is very important. Always make sure that your office tension must be leftover their only. Don’t bring it with you to your home. Have a quality time with your family at your home. Eat tremendously and sleep great. As it is generally seen people because of their tension don’t sleep, then they suffer from headaches. Please don’t do this to have a good sleep. It will help you a lot.
  9. Think positive – “be positive” it’s a common proverb said by every second people. But how many of us follow it. For being healthier, this is a significant point. Being positive makes your life enjoyable. Try to find out happiness in small things.
  10. Walk and talk – This is also a good thing. One should talk with him/her at the end of the day. How was your day? What are the things which you did wrong and right? How did you feel? What is the work pressure you are going through? Talk to yourself, try to get your answer on your own. You will find a great change in yourself because you are talking to the most intelligent person on this earth. When you are talking over the phone, make it a habit to walk. This way, you will end up exercising. Walking is the easiest and effective exercise you can do.
  11. Get your daily sleep of 8 hours. It is necessary and should not be compromised for good health. Your brain and body need rest after working the whole day, so make it a habit to complete your 8-hours sleep daily. You will feel so fresh in the morning.
  12. Fix your eating time. It will not only help you in being healthy but will also help you in time management. You will have a fixed time to eat. Also, remember never overeat and eat your food at a slower pace.
  13. Cut your daily caffeine intake. Drinking lots of coffee or tea is not suitable for your health even if it makes you feel more alert or concentrated on work. Switch to healthier drinks like green tea or chamomile tea.
  14. Drink milk before sleeping. You can add a little turmeric to your milk. It will be a healthy drink to take before sleeping.
  15. Don’t stress: stress is the root cause of diseases. So always try to get rid of negative thoughts and stress. Give your best and forget the rest.
  16. Have a light dinner and early in the evening. You should sleep after 3 hours of your dinner so that your body digests the food taken. It is essential for good digestion and to avoid constipation. Everyone wants to have a quick dump in the morning after all!
  17. You can also workout at home. So you can do exercises, cycling, lift weights, or do yoga at home. It will save your time of commuting to the gym or yoga classes. You can walk to your work if it is nearby or take stairs instead of escalators for keeping yourself active.

Final Words

Everyone has 24 hours, and everyone has big dreams to fulfill. However, we should never neglect our health to make our dreams come true otherwise, even after getting them fulfilled we won’t be able to enjoy them thoroughly. So daily, make some efforts to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Start including these healthy habits in your daily life and prevent yourself from getting sick. A healthy body and mind can be your best companion in achieving your dreams and goals.

Don’t burden yourself with work and continuous hours of working. Your brain can concentrate for 45 minutes. After this, you should take a break of 10 minutes at least and then start working again. It will increase your efficiency and will also keep you stress-free.

“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life,” said Dolly Parton, singer. Always remember this.

Be happy and healthy. Love your life.

Abu Bakar
Abu Bakar
Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.


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