Everyone is familiar with the production of Kyoto Animation and Animation Do “ FREE.” A Japanese anime series was written by Masahiro Yokotani and directed by Hiroko Utsumi and Eisaku Kawanami. It is a Japanese novel based story High Speed which written by Koji Oji.
An amazing plotline that has competed three seasons, and now fans are desperately waiting for the season 4. The first season released in 2013, and the third season aired in 2018. Now another season has declared, and everyone is waiting eagerly.
It was declared that the show would release with the 2020 Summer Olympics. But now the plan has been changed due to the current ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
The release date of the summer Olympics is July 2021, and hopefully, the fourth installment will also come in July 2021.
If you want to watch the previous three seasons, go to Netflix and catch all the series. And For the next season, you can watch the trailer.
The third season secured the future, so hopefully, all anime fans which will appear in Olympic swimming references with the new Free! Movie. There will be a new member named Iwatobi Swim team. There is a lot of new mystery that needs to be revealed like the show will be a plot setter or will dive right into the storyline.
Well, for the latest updates, stay with us; we’ll update you with all the latest news.