Home12 Crucial SEO Tips You Can’t Afford Ignoring for Your Website

12 Crucial SEO Tips You Can’t Afford Ignoring for Your Website

Young and inexperienced search engine optimisers search for SEO tips that help answer the question. In this blog post, let us explore how to get the task done correctly and faster.

SEO Consultants in London suggest you must have sound understanding of certain aspects before setting out on the mission. These aspects include:

  • Knowing fully-well what the site is about
  • Your commitment level

Once you have clarity about those aspects, the task becomes easier and you master the skills faster.

SEO tips to optimise a complete website

  • Select a basic topic that is most significant to your message: Your website may include lots of things or topics. But your responsibility lies in selecting a primary topic that is most relevant to your message. Do little keyword research before selecting your topic.
  • Include keywords at the right places: Make sure to include relevant keywords at the right places in your website. Such places include page title, meta description and meta title, tagline, page content and such others. WordPress site owners may consider using a plugin called All in One SEO Pack.
  • Link the internal pages of your website: Technically sound and experienced professionals providing SEO services London have something important to add in the ongoing context. According to them, many content management systems (CMSs) that are available now do the task of linking internal pages of your website automatically. However, if the CMS that you use is not so efficient, you have to do it yourself. Link all the important pages of your website to your homepage and again cross-link them to each other.
  • A keyword-rich permalink structure: Many websites make use of numbers to identify pages separately. This is an ugly and unprofessional approach to mention permalink structure. Just skip this methodology because it neither looks good nor it is good for SEO. Better include text in your URL structure to make them unique while using relevant keywords too.

Instead of having your page URL like:


Make it like the following:


  • Eliminate things that slow down your site: Faster page-load times are just the need of the hour. You should remove every non-essential substance that slows down the site’s loading time. Usually such elements include large graphics, flash presentations, music players and of course all those unnecessary plug-ins.
  • Insert relevant keywords in your image filenames: It is important inserting the right words that help reflecting the site topic at relevant positions, like image title and description, alt attributes and others. Rename the file if it does not include the relevant search phrase in the title.
  • Build links with different websites with relevant content: Professionals at a renowned SEO agency in London have something important to suggest. Build links with other websites with relevant or similar content. However, you should do this by including a resource page, link-list or a blog roll on your website. You have to do it carefully. Remember, if you can do it the right way and people click on your links, search engines consider you a trusted authority on the given topic.
  • Routine update of your website: It is a fact that websites with dynamic content usually secure higher SERP ranking than websites having static content. This is the reason why sites like Wikipedia rank so well on search engines.
  • Get your website indexed in search engines: Search engines find and index you website content on their own but you should better not count on that.
  • Allow other niche websites link with yours: Create and post great content and then allow other niche websites to link to it.
  • Avoid changing the domain name: Post quality content at frequent intervals. The older your URL, the higher is its chance of better SERP ranking. Bottom-line is you have to be patient.
  • Make sure your content is for the targeted users and not search engines: Your content must be written to help and upgrade your targeted website users and not the search engines. Your content should not sound as if some robot has created it.

DubSEO is a reliable SEO company in London with outstanding track record. We work on every budget and cater to the specific needs of clients ranging from start-ups to established brands. Please feel free to contact our agency experts for more information.

Abu Bakar
Abu Bakar
Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.


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